Mexi Log Fest 2019
Oops. Turns out I am not the greatest at blogging, but I am going to try to get better. I swear. Despite my terrible attendance on my own blog I do really want to share some of my images from this years Mexi Log fest.
As many of you already know this April I made my way down to Mexico for the fifth annual Mexi Log Fest. An incredible celebration of longboarding, with 140 of the worlds best longboarders. Trust me, I know how lucky I was to be there, so I took full advantage of every minute of it.
The more I shot, the more I fell in love with every single person in the water, yes the talent was amazing, but the vibes were even better. A community of people from around the world coming together to celebrate longbaording. What could be better?
I spent as much time as I physically could in the water shooting during the competition and outside of it, my feet did not appreciate this. But the talent was inspiring and incredible, it truly felt like I had front row tickets to the best longboarding film one could imagine.
To be honest, two months later and I am still trying to figure out if Mexi Log Fest ruined shooting longboarding for me, because nothing could ever get better, or if it has inspired me too shoot more longboarding because I have fallen even more in love with the sport. For sure the second part.
I wish everyday was Mexi Log fest.
Thanks for checking out my blog!!















































